
Revolutionary Skin with Morpheus8; What Does it Entail?

Hitting the market in 2020, the FDA approved Morpheus8 has reformed the world of aesthetics. The sleek machine brought a new way to combat aging and other common skin concerns such as acne and sagging. Morpheus8 is commonly referred to as “a facelift without the surgery,” and has proven to deliver remarkable results time and time again.

Knowing the logistics on how Morpheus8 works and how it is administered can help alleviate some of the anxiety that comes along with getting a new treatment. So what is it that makes this treatment so revolutionary? The machine uses a device with tiny needles, also known as a derma pen, and radiofrequency to deeply penetrate the skin to create a more toned and smooth appearance. Suitable for all skin types, Morpheus8 stimulates elastin and collagen production, the key to a more youthful appearance.

To begin the treatment, our registered nurse applies a topical numbing cream to the area being treated. Since everyone’s skin is not the same, a personalized treatment plan is made by our nurse during the consultation to ensure the patients receive the maximum results every time.

During the initial consultation, the amount of treatments needed is also determined. After numbing, treatment can begin. The settings on the machine regarding needle depth and radiofrequency usage are adjusted based on the treatment plan and the treatment is administered to the client. On average, a Morpheus8 treatment usually takes an hour to an hour and a half. Most patients will receive three treatments, booked several weeks apart to promote proper healing. The most common places to receive the treatment are the upper and lower eyelids, mouth and cheeks, and the neck. It can also be used to spot treat areas of acne.

As far as recovery and aftercare, a detailed plan will be given and explained to the patient during their visit. To control the minimal swelling and bruising that may accompany the procedure, the client can use ice packs throughout the following days. The client can resume normal daily activities as soon as an hour after the treatment, but should avoid direct sunlight, exercising, and swimming for at least 24 hours.

Patients can expect to continuously see results the following weeks after treatment and see the final results just 6 weeks after. Skin will be lifted and volume will be added back into areas that lacked it with overall skin complexion improved as well. Fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and acne will be diminished as well.

Ready to transform your skin? Book a consultation appointment today by calling 623-299-2596.